Stress Relievers

There are so many ways on why people get so stressed or get anxious. Sometimes there are things in life that we can't control. Whether we take it or leave it. Our two best options are to keep moving and letting go/just move on.

My way of coping with stress is to amuse myself (like watching movie marathons, cleaning the house, cutting my hair (and if it doesn't look good I need a hairdresser to make it look better haha), and doing some laundry.
It's pretty legit right? Well, only if I am in a mood. I also like to dance and sing even though I am not a good dancer nor  a singer. 

And the other one is by just letting myself relieve the stress by having good sleep habits, doing exercises like yoga and zumba dances. And sometimes I just want to be alone and be myself. I need time to heal or even cry for fast recovery. Most of these moment I don't want to do anything. I just like to relax, sleep and do nothing. Well, it's worse if you are not a fast recoverer.

Writing a blog is a good stress reliever too.

If you are a Christian or not but believes that there is a guiding force that is bigger than you, then I tell you during hard times it is best to pray and meditate. It helps a lot, like a lot a lot. It is when you feel you need to accept that you can't do anything and everything just by yourself.

I am a Roman Catholic but not an active one. As I grew up, I believe that your faith in God depends on your relationship with him. How do you see Him as He is? Faith is what you believe in right? Let us all be non-judgemental and respect one's person principles and what they believe in. 

Some people overcome their stresses by going outside, strolling to the malls, hanging out with friends, partying, playing games, eating, or anything they like to do.

At the end of the day let us remember that there is another day. Yesterday is not the same as Today and tomorrow is  unseeable day. 

Today is the best day! Tomorrow might be better. Yesterday is history. But this day is like a present, a gift that we can share with our love ones. Stay healthy and happy all day!


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