Ramon Duterte Memorial National High School's (RDMNHS) Earthquake Drill

Earthquake drill is very important. Teaching it is crucial especially to the students so that they will know what to do when there is an earthquake. Ramon Duterte Memorial High School in Guadalupe Cebu City was demonstrating to the students the important things to do when there is an earthquake. They assigned boy scouts and girl scouts representatives to make sure that the rest of the students are participating and teachers also where there to facilitate.

The three steps are as follows: Dock, Cover, and Hold.

It is important to instill in the precious minds of our beloved students to remain calm and to avoid panic whenever this kind of calamity is being encountered. In times like this, the presence of mind and the strong will to remain safe should be or first reactions. 

I have learned from my review center, MET and from the speaker Knoe Esmane, that teachers should be the first person to go out the building after the earthquake stops to guide the student in the right direction. During the quake, everybody should dock, cover their head, and find some safe place to hide and hold. It is the responsibility of the class president to check if everyone in the class are outside the building and to make sure there is no one left behind. 

It is very important also to pray!

Here are some of the photos for exhibit:
