Licensure Examination for Teachers? Quit or Survive!

Why are you taking it for the first place? Is it your personal choice? Or someone’s wish? These questions are simple but it will lead you to the right track. How dedicated and serious are you gonna be in matters  like this.

To start, it is very normal to get anxious and get so stress in the process.  You will have mixed emotions. You will sometimes over think about it. Positive and negative thoughts are always present. You know passing or failing the test are the only options. It is like a gambling game, you lose or you win.

Now, lets break it down

1. Are you confident enough?

The main key here is if you are comfortable to study on your own or enroll in a review center. If you are then self study but if not do the other one.

Note: Even if you either self study or enroll in a review center but do not find enough time to really read and do practice tests, then you might work on improvising  a routine. At least 2 hours of reading and understanding the review materials you have. Be more resourceful. You can borrow your friend’s study materials or download some helpful online reviewers.

2. Are you ready to take the test?

There are many factors of passing or failing the test. I know you have heard stories about test takers who studied a lot but still failed on the test. Do not be discourage. There is a time for everything. It is not only your mind that you have to nourish in this period of time especially in preparation of the examination day, but you must also take care of  your emotional and physical state. Take a depth breath and believe in yourself. I know you can do it!

3. To whom do you want to dedicate your success?

This helps me a lot. This is the reason why I have to to stick around in my routine ( 2hours a day or more) even if I don’t feel like studying or reading my review materials. It gives me the courage and strenght to get up and study.

4. Be positive.

Embrace yourself with all positivity as much as possible. Go out with friends who likes to study. Have a good connection. If you go to a review center be cheerful and go home with new ideas in mind. Study and restudy. Be familiarize with the difficult terms. Read reread and understand.

5. Smile

Just smile and smile. There is no harm in trying!

Congratulations in advance!!!


( The worst feeling you can have after taking the test is waiting for the results). Just chillax. Everything will be alright! It is not the end.

Good Luck !!! ❤️❤️❤️


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  2. Hello, I have been reading your journey that you like to become a license teacher. I am still in college right now. I am taking BS Hospitality Management as of this moment an incoming fourth year student at Cebu Technological University Argao Campus. I have plans in my mind after I finish my course in college. I have decided to take DPE as what you did. I really like your blog because I am learning as well from your past experiences. How I wish I can be fluent as you are in writing and speaking in English.


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